Getting Started — Journey Elements, Materials, and Timing

Getting Started

Are you ready to build some tools and roadmaps for a bigger, more engaging career plan? Join us on an adventure together. We’re going to be exploring a bit—building some plans with you, for you. We’ll be watching videos, doing some exercises, and doing a bit of listening, reading, and reflecting.


What will you need?

  • A Computer and Place(s) to Write: You will need your computer or tablet to watch, listen, read, and write. You can use a smartphone, but you will be asked to write thoughts and ideas, so it might not be the optimal place to write. You will be writing in sections, as noted below, and may want to write and store drafts in Google Docs, Dropbox Paper, Evernote, or your choice of digital places.
  • Places to Write and Draw: At points, you will need old-fashioned paper and pens, art supplies, or something like a Google Doc. Please use whatever tools you already enjoy to doodle, write, brainstorm, or do creative design. Or you can use this time to try something new that you don’t already use.
  • A Draft Resume: You will need a physical copy of your resume to write on and a digital copy to edit. If you don’t have a resume yet or have not updated it in a long time, please take the time to write one or update one first.

Here is a printable workbook with the interactive exercises and activities for this Guide, based on earlier work with our Creative Careers programs. Individual pages will also be linked as you go.

Your written results and ideas will be just for you, so work the way you are comfortable and might want to go back to for reference and continuing design work. Some places in the materials will ask questions that you can think about or will ask you to write your thoughts. You can start them on paper or in a Google Doc, and then copy them to the survey questions that will pop up in a few places.


How long will this take?

The activities are expected to take 4–8 hours. Quite a few users have spent more time in it — as they have explored the material. If you get deep into a task or work on the optional elements, it may take you longer. You may want to return to this material over time, or when opportunities come your way, for further reflection. You are setting your path for new and expanded adventures.  We hope that this builds processes that support your future career adventures for months and years to come.  


Your Journey to Now

Target Environment

Your Skills and Interests


Resumes and HR Systems

Your 5 Year Plans

Career Resources