Your Roads Ahead

So what tool would you use to map your road(s) ahead?

Does the Timeline work as a good tool for your story, where you plan to go over the next 5 years?

Or does the Nodes help you think about possible turns in the road or decisions for the future?

Or the treasure map, but with several X’s along the roads?

Pick your favorite to start with. How might you draw your future directions? How might you play with this or share it going forward?

  • Who are the people and tribes that you might connect with?
  • What risks and experiments could you build in the path?
  • How might you add the skills to build from your five job comparisons?

How might you add elements from your 3 future 5-year job plans? Could you add some items from the unlimited pathway in the next couple of years? Or from the backup plan list?


Your Journey to Now

Target Environment

Your Skills and Interests


Resumes and HR Systems

Your 5 Year Plans

Career Resources