Researching Skills in Jobs and Roles

Researching Skills in Jobs and Roles

For the next step, we’d like you to find 5 specific jobs — open now — that you might want to have in 3-5 years.

We’re not asking for something in general. We’re asking that you find a real job listing that is available to apply for online NOW but that you might want to have 3-5 years from now in your life.

Save the link where you find them, as there will be another step that you will take with each of them in a short bit.  We suggest that you create a spreadsheet with all of the resources and links that you use, including the job links with company information, so you can expand these types of explorations over time — and find them again without search.

Jobs only tend to be posted for a few weeks, as companies pay for the posting by the week, so you may want to not just save the link but also make a PDF copy of the full posting so you can see what types of jobs companies had been searching for in the past.

Where might you find jobs?

The prior page showed places to find companies.  Companies tend to use services to post jobs on their own websites, plus as noted above pay by the week to post jobs.

Different sectors have different job boards and resources.

For example, some job seekers may want a job in the business side of the music business.  Looking at non-performative music careers as an example, we could start with the Job Board at Music Business Worldwide at this link. For music, we also have a shared group of music resources discoverable at this link.

For your own sectors of interest, you might get an idea of types of jobs from industry trade publications, and then can go to those company pages and look at “Careers” or “Jobs.”  We suggest that you not only save the links for those postings but go back each week to see what has recently been posted.

Other Resources:

You can go to, LinkedIn, Zip Recruiter, or other job listing spaces.  Do realize, however, that they charge by the week for postings and their search by sector might not be as valuable as a sector-specific job board.


Where Should you NOT go?

That’s an interesting question. Some sites are really clickbait for university applications or job application networks.

Back to the music industry, for example, we suggest avoiding sites like , which is just a lead generation site for schools. Other sites are owned by,, and other sites that are funneled to give you general, unresearched information and get you to move along a marketing funnel to lead to specific Affiliates, who get paid when you click an ad or get a percentage of your tuition if you sign up for the school or product.



Who owns the site you are looking at?

Question to ponder: What are all these for-profit companies’ business models in this space? (Yes, we’re asking about business models and how companies make money again.)


Finish Finding 5 Real Jobs

Don’t move ahead until you have chosen 5 real jobs, with the links and text. Keep looking. You don’t have to be fully qualified for them now. Aim for 3-5 years out.


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