Optional: Your Portfolio

In the book “Getting from Career to College,” the author, Lindsey Pollak, suggests a “Brag Book” that you can bring to interviews, and that can be copied (nicely) as something that you can leave behind.

A good personal portfolio can be a great tool for your own inspiration and to remind you of what you have done before discussions or interviews. With more senior positions, companies may want to see more than a resume of what you have done. As a college student, you have the opportunity to stand out with something more than just bringing a copy of your resume. You may choose to bring some or all of these items to an interview, in a professional manner, as something memorable to show. You WILL stand out and be remembered.

At least, you have a document to remind you of your work, see where you are thin in terms of support of Skills (Hard and Soft), and can track your own growth over time.

MAKE SURE YOU KEEP DIGITAL COPIES OF YOUR WORK — hyperlinks and other people’s file systems may not be there when you need to event website or publication in the future to share and reflect upon.

Word document version: Link

Google Document version: Link


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